Refunds & Returns

We are 100% confident that the quality and service you receive from Tach Dog Australia will exceed your expectations.

And to show you just how confident we are, we're giving you a 14 Day Money Back Guarantee.

If you some reason you are unhappy with your order, here's what you need to do:

Step 1. Send us an email at and let us know the issue. Send through any necessary images supporting your issues. 

Step 2. If you're not fully satisfied with the quality or service simply return the product to receive a full refund.

For any questions about our return policy, please contact us via email.

Step 3. Refunds are sent back to the method of payment. Please allow 4-7 working days the funds to hit your account.

We appreciate it if you could provide us with feedback however critical you might think. We rely on customer feedback to facilitate continuous improvement. .

Though not mandatory, it does help our team make the necessary improvements. We strongly believe that constant improvement is the key to success and your feedback is greatly appreciated.